Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thank you and here's your chance for FREE Personal Training Sessions

During the busy year I don't always have the chance to thank you for your business. But during the upcoming holiday season I would like to do something special to show you how valued and special you really are to me.

So to prove it, I'd like to give you $12 off of MVP Boot Camp for the next session.

Normally the price for MVP Boot Camp is $72 but if you sign up for this upcoming session (Nov. 10th -Dec. 12th - it's only 60!)

But that's not all...

If you're one of the first 30 clients to sign up, I will also give you two (2) free personal training sessions. That's right during your free personal training sessions I will show you more ways you can burn fat and get rid of those unwanted pounds....and it's yours absolutely free until I run out of the 30 I have room for.

So don't wait. If you've been putting off starting or improving your weight loss goals - now is the perfect opportunity to save.
While this is on your mind, why not give me a call at 314.831.7505 or log on to to sign up for the $60 special and schedule a personal training appointment?

Once again thank you for your continued business this year. I hope you'll be able to take advantage of this special savings during the holidays.

Remember, if you're one the first 30 clients to schedule an appointment - you'll also get two personal training sessions, absolutely free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post you got here. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that matter.
BTW check the design I've made myself Russian escort