Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fitting Fitness In

The summer time means busier schedules - but that does not mean that you can't fit your workout program in.

Here are a few tips to fit fitness in during the busiest time of the year.

1. Instead of spending your time searching for the closest parking space, park your car further away. Not only do you save time, frustration in finding a parking spot, but you also will use more energy walking.

2. Don't use the drive-thru. Park and get out of your car.

3. Use stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

4. At work, take the long route to the water fountain, restrooms and cafeteria. Walk briskly.

5. Take a walk during your lunch break.

6. Buy Fit Deck Cards - created by former Navy Seal, Phil Black. FitDeck exercises require no equipment, and strictly use your body weight to deliver great results.

How FitDeck Works

A. Shuffle exercise cards
B. Insert cards into Card Holder
C. Draw a card and flip it over
D. Perform the exercise
E. Return card to back of deck
F. Draw next card and flip it over
G. Perform the exercise; repeat

For more info go to

7. Make social time a time for working out by playing tennis or golf with friends.

8• Purchase an exercise DVD and workout at home.

Remember, the hardest part of an exercise program is getting started. The easiest part is to stop. Most people who start an exercise routine quit within a few weeks. But if you make it past those first few weeks, you will probably stay with your routine, and you may even discover that you love it and can't do without it. I have!

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