The number one goal for the majority of Americans is to lose weight. But keeping up with your weight loss goals can be tough during the Holiday Season. Eating right and exercise are fundamental; they’re critical for weight loss. Your body has to be set up in order to burn fat and to lose weight in the first place. Here are some nutritional tips to follow during this joyful time of the year:
1. Eat Your Breakfast - I love eating breakfast, because I need to fuel up early in the day. Eating a good solid breakfast to start your day helps supply you with the fuel you need to get started, especially if you are incorporating an early morning fitness program into your day. You need the fuel to get your engine going in the morning. Do not starve your body early, because you may have the tendency to binge-eat later. Your body gets into the craving mode. Feed your body early!!
2. Food From God is Best - We should eat all foods that were created by God and avoid all the foods that are created by man. The things that were provided to us by God and by Mother Nature are the things that we should be eating every day. So, that would mean free-roaming chickens and grass-fed cows that were treated the right way, vegetables that grow out of the ground and fruits that grow on trees. If you thought to yourself, was this provided to me by God and Mother Nature? If the answer is yes, most times it is something that you should eat. And if the answer is no, you should probably stay away from it.
3. Eat Home Cooked Meals - A mother’s cooking is one of the most beautiful things that exist. A mother cooking Sunday dinner for her entire family can’t be beat, because she does that out of love. It’s one of the most wonderful things in the world. Anybody that remembers that is still feeling great inside. And it’s not because her food tasted good, it’s because of the passionate way it was made with love and good intentions for the family.
4. Flush it Out - Water does the body good when it comes to good health. It is absolutely impossible to lose weight without water. Your body flushes the toxins out of your body via water so it will not lose fat. When your body loses weight, it actually metabolizes through the fat and the fat has to leave the system. And the way the fat leaves the system is with water. So, if it has no system to get out, then it would be absolutely impossible to lose weight. Water also lowers your desire to eat, and also helps keep your skin looking smooth and young.