Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cool Weather Workout Tips For Boot Camp

Exercising outdoors in the spring means working out in unpredictable weather conditions.

Here are a few tips to warm up your engine.

Wear less, but layer your clothing: During cool springtime weather, you’ll need less heavy clothing as long as you are moving briskly. Wear light layers, and wear a jacket or windbreaker to keep you warm while you stretch.

Proper clothing is a good investment: Invest in a few key garments, particularly the layer that is closest to your body and underneath your second layer. Be sure your first layer is made of one of the synthetic fabrics that wick away perspiration and let it evaporate, such as Underamour gear.

Warm yourself with proper stretching: Always warm up slowly before Boot Camp begins have a good stretch after you are done. You want to avoid injury so that you can be injury free. This is more important in the cool weather than the heat, because hot weather helps you warm up naturally.

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