Here's a way to get rid of those unwanted pounds for FREE!
Here's the deal!
I'm just putting the finishing touches on the new and improve Get Fit 4 Christ fat loss program that I've been working hard behind the scenes to tweek for a while now.
The program is aimed at RAPID fat loss and will involve 40 days of intensive exercise, nutrition and Bible Study where I'll be taking my chosen subjects through step-by-step 'how to' processes that will literally convert them into fat-burning furnaces of the most amazing kind.
If you are interested please continue to read on...
I'm looking for two sets of guinea pigs to go through the program for FREE as my... guests (you won't feel like a guest when you go through it).
One set of four people will be chosen for my online group and a set of four will be chosen to work with myself at the MVP Fitness Studio in St. Louis. The chosen few in each group will be told absolutely everything they need to know to accomplish the quest of losing 10 pounds in 40 Days!
The approach is based upon healthy, spritual practices and, while aspects of the program will be intense, they're not going to ask people do starve themselves (or even count calories) and they won't require two to three hour long marathon training sessions of any kind.
So here's what I'm looking for...
==> I'm looking for people who will devote at least 30 minutes a day to prayer and Bible Study.
==> I'm looking for men and women who are SERIOUS, as in 100% absolutely, definitely, without a doubt committed to losing those unwanted pounds in the next 40 days
==> I'm looking for people who will start the program, follow ALL advice exactly as given FINISH the program to completion rather than doing it 'kinda, sorta, maybe' and then dropping out before it's over.
==> I'm looking for people that are ready, willing and able to blog their daily journey with me (including before, during and after pictures) and who will allow me permission to use their testimonials and pictures in future promotional material related to the Get Fit 4 Christ program.
==> I'm looking for people who are sick and tired of the way they look and feel and are in that 'place' where this is a must for them.
==> I'm looking for people who have access to resistance equipment or a gym, or who are prepared to purchase it by Sunday, August 30th when the program starts.
If you're one of these people then you MAY qualify for one of my four online places. In addition, if you want to work with me at the MVP Fitness Studio then you need to be willing to do the following:
==> Attend AT LEAST three training sessions a week in St. Louis and carry out 'homework' as directed on the other days.
That's it! Pretty simple, right? Or, at least, it's simple if you're a seriously committed person who absolutely, definitely want to achieve this in 40 days. If it all sounds too much for you then you don't really need to read on, the program clearly isn't for you.
"Why's Lyle Doing this?"
Well, I’m testing marketing this program because I'm looking for walking, talking advertisements for the power and effectiveness of this program and I'm willing to forgo payment to get them. The way I figure it is this; people are skeptical. However...At the end of this 40 day program I'm going to have eight people demonstrating the absolute proof of my claims to anyone who'll listen.
And it'll be "for real" too. None of those photo shopped before and after pictures that show miracle transformations. Once my clients see the results for themselves I'll have no problem whatsoever in proving that the program really works. I guarantee it.
So THAT's my reason. It's up front for everyone to see. Nothing hidden. Still Interested? If you're still interested, here's what you need to do...Use the comments section of this blog to tell me why YOU should be given one of these valuable places (They ARE valuable too. My personal training sessions are $40 an hour!).
Go ahead and 'sell' yourself into the program by telling me absolutely anything and everything you think I need to know in order to make up my mind about giving you a place. I will personally choose the eight lucky winners.
I'll be announcing the chosen places at midnight on Monday, August 25th, so there's no time to hang about. If you want in and you're SERIOUS then leave your message in the comments area below.