Monday, December 3, 2012

Holiday Body Blitz (Part 3 - Meal Protocols)

I’ve designed an extremely effective rapid fat loss meal protocols for you to follow. Stick to it religiously excluding the 10% cheats that you plan for yourself. YOU MUST STICK TO YOUR PLAN. ANYTIME YOU CHEAT NEEDS TO BE PLANNED. DO NOT BREAK THE RULES.

Rapid Fat Loss Meal Protocols

• 2 “Regular meals”

- Protein+greenvegetables+oil/fat

• 2 snacks

- Cheese, nuts, small shake, piece of fruit, greek yogurt or cottage cheese

• 1 “workout meal” within 1 hour after workout

- Protein+greenvegetables+starchy carbs

• Hyper hydration

- 16 ounces of water with each snack, 8 ounces with each meal

• Belly blasting boosting supplements every morning such as a B vitamin supplement and a green tea extract

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