Of course you can fully enjoy all of these moments and more by getting yourself in better shape before you leave for your destination. Here are three of the quickness ways to lose weight before your much deserved break from the hustle and bustle.
Boot Camp – Boot camp workouts are great calorie burners because you're moving rapidly from exercise to exercise and working upper and lower body at the same time. Boot camp exercise burn big calories. You can expect to burn off up to 600 calories per hour during a single boot camp session. This is more calories than you'll burn with most other types of exercise. Each workout builds confidence in your physical ability which can carry over to all aspects of your life.
Kettlebell Training – I have been training my clients with Kettlebells for over four years now and everyone from top athletes to soccer moms is joining the kettlebell revolution for one reason: Kettlebell training works. If you’re like many others, you have a basement full of machines, equipment and DVDs collecting dust. All things you tried and that didn’t get results, either because they didn’t work or because they didn’t work fast enough to keep you interested. Kettlebells are different. The combination of strength and cardio will give fast results and will motivate you to keep going.
Bikram Yoga - also known as “Hot Yoga”, is the practice of a series of yoga poses done in an intentionally over-heated area. Bikram Yoga requires the room temperature to be between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. You will sweat profusely during the workout, eliminating toxins and cleansing the body. It can help you lose weight for obvious reasons. First, the simple act of working out helps you shed pounds, especially when the workout raises your heart rate and it is also helpful when reshaping the body as it helps to tone, lengthen and strengthen muscles. Plus, your posture, balance and coordination will improve, which can help to significantly improve your physical appearance.
I encourage you to use your vacation as motivation to get in shape. Use one or all three of these exercise methods and not just little walks around the block. As for your diet, remember to eat real food, eat vegetables, eat fruits, whole grains - don’t eat things in packages and don’t eat things in wrappers.
Great advice! Do you have any tips on ways to engage your "core" when your away from your exercise routine? I can think of a few...
Guess I should engage my spellcheck :-) I meant "you're," not "your"!
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