You want to have more energy, more drive and more endurance. Why? Because you don’t want be a couch potato with no vision or no purpose in your life. There is a purpose in building up your body and that reason is to live a healthy life. Not only should you want to look good and live a healthy and prosperous life, but also you should want to live to be around the people you love the most as long as you can.
You must believe in yourself and you must employ the same power and force for your weight loss goals. You must take action.
Here are the 6 Common Reasons for Not Taking Action:
1. Confusion and not knowing where to get started - you may have a great goal, but sometimes no plan on how to really do it.
2. Procrastination - you won’t even try! You create excuses to put off your goal.
3. Lack of confidence - your main thoughts are about how you have tried this goal before but you failed.
4. Lack of motivation - the goal you set no longer has any importance for you.
5. Lack of support from the people around you - in fact, it starts to tear at you, because you start to believe you will not achieve it.
6. You! - ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving my goal?"
Look at the weight loss you have set for yourself, the one you have let go. Then ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving this goal?"Seriously, ask yourself: "What is stopping me from taking action and giving it my best shot?”
Keep asking yourself this question until you find the answer to what is truly stopping you from becoming successful in your weight loss goals and write down every reason! Whatever reasons you have for not taking action, whatever is stopping you from achieving your dream, you can do something about it.
For every reason that stops you, there's often an easy solution! Always remember:
“If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.” – Barack Obama
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