Eighty percent of African American women are obese or overweight. African American women rate the highest among other races according to Kaiser State Health Facts. The Kaiser study shows that the obesity/overweight rate among white women is 60.2% and 63.2% for Hispanic women.
The number one reason why African American women in this country are fat is lack of exercise.
The lack of exercise is also the reason behind many chronic health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes. Some of the reasons African American women give for not exercising are, being busy, lack of motivation, not knowing how to exercise and the famous “I just got my hair done”. However, the effects of lack of exercise are so serious that I recommend exercising at least four to five times per week for at least 30 minutes per exercise session.
Effects of Lack of Exercise:
Here are some of the effects of lack of exercise:
1. Chronic Diseases: The lack of exercise among African American women leads to chronic health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, increased risk of developing cancer and premature death
2. Depression: Lack of exercise can make anybody stressed, fatigued and depressed. Exercising releases certain hormones in the body, which reduces anxiety and depression. Lack of exercise, however, can make a person depressed and fatigued.
3. Obesity: Among all effects of lack of exercise, obesity is primary. 80% of African American women are obese or overweight is a very distrubing figure. Obesity is a condition where high amount of fat is accumulated in the body, which in turn can lead to several other health problems.
4. Lack of flexibility, balance: Lack of exercise can lead to a loss of flexibility, which can make performing daily tasks such as going up two or three flights of stairs difficult. Lack of exercise can also lead to loss of balance among the elderly.
5. Increased risk of falls, injuries: People who do not exercise are at an increased risk of falls and injuries¸, which may in turn lead to knee pain, lack of mobility and decreased self-esteem.
In the next article I will discuss how exercising can be done in many ways.
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