Friday, December 24, 2010
Lose Weight, Gain Control
Being overweight is hazardous to health. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and increase the risk of cancer. Yet, conventional wisdom says that, “Losing weight is a nothing more than eating smart and exercising more.”
However, with all of the weight loss supplements and products on the market today, most people probably weigh more than they did five years ago.
For those who are finding it difficult to make the “eat smart, exercise more” guideline part of their daily routine, Erin Holland, I want to provide the following tips to help you succeed with your weight loss goals.
Remember that calories count: A calorie is a unit of energy. The energy contained in the food eaten is converted chemically into a form of energy that can be used to fuel daily activities. Calories become a concern when the extra energy in the calories eaten is stored in the body as body fat.
To lose one pound per week, you need to burn 3500 calories. Through a combination of exercise and nutrition, create a caloric deficit of 3500 calories, or 500 calories per day. Do this by tracking the food calories coming in and calories (burned by exercise) going out.
Get enough sleep: Recent studies indicate a strong link between the amount of sleep and the risk of becoming obese. Now there is a new suggestion for people who want to lose weight: Get more sleep. It may seem surprising that sleeping more would prevent obesity because fewer calories are used when resting. However, the effect of chronic tiredness on increased feelings of hunger may be making the difference in obesity risks.
In the study, those who got less than four hours of sleep a night were 73 percent more likely to be overweight than those who got the recommended seven to nine hours of rest. Those who averaged six hours had 23 percent greater risk of being overweight.
Those who average 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day not only reduce the number of hours they are tempted to eat high calorie foods; they also will have the energy to exercise more.
Get enough exercise: A well-rounded fitness program combines cardio-vascular exercise with flexibility and strength training.
To enhance cardio-respiratory endurance, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), suggests aerobic activities three to five times each week for 20–60 minutes. Each workout should include a warm up for 5 to 10 minutes and a stretch to cool down during the last 5 to 10 minutes.
The hottest fitness trend today is Kettlebell Training. Kettlebell training is a combination of strength and cardio training. The benefits of a good Kettlbell workout include:
• Build strength.
• Slash and burn fat quickly.
• Increase flexibility, agility, mobility, and improve athletic performance.
• Add tone and definition to the body.
• Boost energy levels.
• Reduce stress and tension
• Get results fast for optimum fitness.
Be a coach: Eating smart and getting regular exercise is a commitment of time and energy that pays off in weight control, muscle strength and lower blood pressure. It also helps to prevent and control many other lifestyle related conditions.
To stay motivated, develop positive self-talk to help ensure compliance with newly developed eating and exercise habits. Repeat motivating phrases such as, “I love myself so therefore, I'll take care of myself,” and “I make time for my health; my health is important,’” or “I am a healthy person who eats right and exercises daily.”
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Here's a way to burn 100 Calories in just 3 minutes
One of the latest trends in the fitness industry today is training with kettlebells. Kettlebells look like a cannon ball made of iron cast with a handle on top.
The kettlebell is an ancient Russian exercise device; the kettlebell has long been a favorite in that country for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance.
How can this “iron cannonball with a handle attached” be the best kept secret—as well as an outstanding tool to get in the best shape? It is because kettlebell training helps you achieve and maintain the highest levels of fitness by boosting your heart rate with a combination of cardio and strength training exercises.
Here's an example of a kettlebell workout. Just copy and paste the link below to your web browser.
Here is another tip, don't try kettlebell training if you're looking for an easy way out.
Try it only if you're prepared to work hard, have fun and become a MVP.
The kettlebell is an ancient Russian exercise device; the kettlebell has long been a favorite in that country for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance.
How can this “iron cannonball with a handle attached” be the best kept secret—as well as an outstanding tool to get in the best shape? It is because kettlebell training helps you achieve and maintain the highest levels of fitness by boosting your heart rate with a combination of cardio and strength training exercises.
Here's an example of a kettlebell workout. Just copy and paste the link below to your web browser.
Here is another tip, don't try kettlebell training if you're looking for an easy way out.
Try it only if you're prepared to work hard, have fun and become a MVP.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How You Can Eat Everything on Thanksgiving… and Not Feel Guilty!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you’re probably getting ready to celebrate with your family and friends – with great food.
This is the time of year when most people put on a few excess pounds. I mean, how can you avoid it? All that turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet-potato pie, green-bean casserole … it’s so easy to over-indulge now and worry about your waistline later.
But here’s some good news. You don’t have to pack on any pounds this Thanksgiving. You can stay on track and still enjoy your favorite foods. Here’s how:
1. Work out when you wake up. Before you sit down to watch the football games tomorrow or turn on the oven, do a quick workout. You’ll feel more energized, you’ll burn calories and you’ll continue to burn more throughout the day. Short bursts of moderately intense exercise work best. I suggest tying my MVP Kettlebell Boot Camp Workout. Do this fun and challenging workout and you’re done for the day!
2. Drink a protein shake. Immediately after your workout, drink a protein shake. Protein shakes are great meal replacements. And with Thanksgiving being such a busy day, you probably don’t have a lot of time to prepare a healthy breakfast. A protein shake will give your muscles the nutrients they need to rev up your metabolism. Plus, they taste great. Chocolate is my favorite.
3. Keep healthy snacks on hand while cooking. Instead of snacking on the rich food you’re cooking, put out a vegetable or fruit platter for munching. This will help you avoid temptation, so you can enjoy the food you’re cooking later without guilt. Want to dip your vegetables? Use some balsamic vinaigrette instead of a creamy dressing.
4. Try a little of everything. When it’s time to sit at the table for dinner, serve yourself a little bit of everything. But do your best to keep your plate 70 percent protein and veggies and 30 percent of the other stuff. This way you won’t feel deprived, but you’ll still stay on the right path.
5. If you’re gonna drink, drink in moderation! You know what? If you’re following the previous steps, you’re already way ahead of the game. And you deserve to enjoy yourself … hey, it is a holiday! The next day, just begin your day with a workout and tons of water and you’ll be fine.
I wish you the happiest and best Thanksgiving ever. And I hope these five tips will allow you to enjoy this amazing holiday without feeling the slightest bit of guilt!
Lots of Energy, Love, Peace, and Happiness!
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Dangers of Appetite Suppressants
Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD
No one likes to feel hungry and we all know by now (hopefully) that starvation diets do not work. Sure, you may lose weight, but you’ll gain it all back, plus more - and what good is that?
Yet, for some reason, countless men women turn to fat-blocking drugs and appetite suppressants hoping to lose the extra 20, 30 and even 60 pounds they’re carrying around.
But, do you really know how dangerous these weight-loss “solutions” really are?
Do you really understand what they’re doing to your body?
Probably not, but read on and we’ll tell you.
Magical Pills Don’t Exist
You’re convinced that your problem with weight gain is because you eat too much.
No, it’s not that you’re eating ice cream every night, or because you haven’t eaten a vegetable other than the lettuce in your sandwich – it’s because you’re eating more calories than your body needs.
So, you tell your doctor this, and they recommend an “appetite suppressant” drug. And, you think your prayers are answered.
But, your body is in for a wild and dangerous ride.
Less Food Means Less Energy
Immediately you feel like you can eat less. You now think you can actually function normally without any breakfast, with a 100-calorie snack pack at lunch, and then a 300-calorie frozen meal for dinner. For a few days you feel ok and you start dropping a few pounds.
But, the second you try to start doing anything active, even something as simple as body weight squats or walking lunges you’re gasping for air, your heart rate feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest and you feel dizzy, faint and completely helpless.
So, you stop exercising and realize that this “immediate” weight loss might not be such a good thing.
(Really) Unpleasant Side Effects
After a week or so, your body starts to realize something isn’t right. You start experiencing horrific side effects such as dizzy spells, blurred vision, sleeplessness and intestinal upset.
Even worse, one of the biggest drawbacks of these fat-blocking weight loss drugs is that they stop your body from being able to absorb most of the fats you’re eating – even the healthy ones!
Fats such as the essential omega-3 fatty acids in krill and fish oils which actually help your body burn fat, fight inflammation, prevent mood swings and keep your hair and skin healthy.
Also, they stop your body from being able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D, which we all know is a preventative measure against cancer and protects against colds and the flu.
Who thinks dry, brittle hair, achy joints and being sick all the time sounds like a good thing? Not me!
Further, scientifically-based weight loss research shows us that low-fat diets actually increase our risk of heart disease and do not help us lose body fat. Instead, our body needs fat to burn fat and right now, your body is not getting the fat it needs.
These fat-blocking appetite suppressant drugs are not helping you at all!
Eating Right and Exercising Hard is the Real Answer
Winners in the weight loss battle know that what you eat is more important than how much you eat. And, how hard you exercise is more important than how much you exercise.
So, before you decide to pop another appetite suppressant, fat-blocking pill in your mouth, ask yourself this:
1) Am I eating foods containing protein, fat and carbohydrate, every day that Mother Nature would recognize as her own? Or would She have no idea what they are because they are covered in a colorful package, and preserved with chemicals that are no good for anyone?
2) Am I exercising intensely enough almost every day of the week to make my muscles feel more challenged than a easy stroll around the park? Or, am I just going through the motions and doing the bare minimum to get by?
If you struggle answering these questions, look towards someone who’s achieved these accomplishments to help you. Join a supportive group of people that have the same struggles as you and who are led by someone that shows them how to get past these struggles safely and effectively.
Blocking fat absorption and eating less is not the answer – you need good food to fuel effective exercise and keep your spirits high.
Otherwise your weight loss really will never work because no one likes to feel starved and irritable every single day.
Monday, November 1, 2010
10 exercise products fitness experts don't recommend
With claims that you can get in shape in just six minutes a day (as advertisement for the Shake Weight states) or tone your abs even while watching TV (the Flex Belt), it's no surprise that the U.S. exercise equipment industry is a $4 billion business. But too often, marketing is triumphing over biology. It takes work, sweat and time to shed those pesky pounds and tone those muscles.
We asked certified fitness trainers and gym owners what they would never use with their clients. Here are the top 10 pieces of equipment they say they wouldn't waste money on:
Don't jump for trampolinesIn-home trampolines can be loads of fun and they're pretty cheap, starting at about $30 a pop, but you may pay a hefty price for using one. "When used properly, [a trampoline] can be an incredibly effective form of exercise, but it is too easily misused, resulting in knee injuries, ankle injuries, lower back injuries or even wrist injuries as a result of falling or improper use," says David Kirsch, celebrity fitness trainer and wellness coach.
"As an alternative, one can get an effective workout with light weights, high repetition jumping jacks, shadow boxing and/or even light plyometric squats and lunges. These exercises can be done as a circuit and are a safe, effective full body workout," says Kirsch.
The Shake Weight is more hype than science
"The $19.95 Shake Weight involves a light dumbbell that utilizes a vibration to boost muscle growth. In principle, this back and forth motion creates reactive forces throughout your body that engage more muscles to stabilize your body (i.e., the core), but the amount of resistance and the degree of motion is really insufficient to show sustained improvements. You may experience some initial gains, but once the body adapts to that stress, no further improvements will occur using the same device. Your only option is to keep increasing the resistance or leverage, but leverage can hurt the joints," says Fabio Comana MA, MS, exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise.
"A regular dumbbell is more effective than the Shake Weight, training muscles to move through a range of motion, not just holding them in one position. Our muscles move joints, so train them accordingly. Besides, dumbbells are cheaper (starting at $5), and you can increase the intensity by changing up the weight without restrictions," he says.
Spot reducers aren't all they're shaped up to be"Buying any product that promises spot reduction is like ripping up dollar bills and throwing them off the roof," says Liz Neporent, fitness expert, author and founder of Wellness 360. "It is a physiological impossibility to spot reduce. You are genetically programmed to lose fat in a specific pattern. So if you are genetically programmed to hold it in your thighs, that is the last place it is coming off, no matter how many machines you buy to work that area."
Walk away from those Skecher's Tone-Up and Shape-Up shoes"Skechers did not get to be a big player in the retail shoe market by being bashful. However, the claims made by Sketchers regarding its Tone-Up and Shape-Up shoe lines, which cost $50-$110, totally throws truth-in-advertising overboard. No one anywhere has been able to verify the Skechers claims that these shoes actually help you 'tone up' merely by walking in them," says Mike Torchia, health and wellness expert
"This presumptive feat of shoe engineering runs counter to what every fitness professional knows: resistance exercise that places greater demands on our muscles than usual is still the only way to gain more shape and muscle tone. Of course, if you were to wear lead boots, they will shape up your legs, but they're not quite practical."
Ab toners like Flex Belts can't replace crunches
Originally built for physical therapists to help patients prevent abdominal atrophy, the $199.99 Flex Belts are now available at your local store and online. But "they will not make your total core stronger because you would need to strengthen abs and back and lessen body fat to get a stronger core. When therapists used this machine, it was primarily used as an introductory method to teach patients more effective ways to utilize their abs/lower back/core in order to build strength and build a program to burn the fat around the middle section, which would include dietary education as well as some cardio," says Jen Cassetty, New York City fitness trainer and expert.
"The belt was never meant to be a replacement and if it was, it would be a foolish one, because you can't get toned abs from short bursts of electric pulses. In addition, over time, your abs would get used to the pulses, and therefore are not working out. I actually had a member who would go home after a long day, gel and strap himself into his belt and sit and drink beer on his recliner. No lie. I had to tell him to book a training session with me if he wanted results," says Cassetty.
Drop those home edition kettlebells
Kettlebells, which start at $15 each, can be fantastic for toning but also dangerous if not used properly. "As a certified trainer, I myself had to take courses to be able to use kettlebells, but I see them being sold in places like Kmart and Target. If kettlebells are done improperly, the chances of severely hurting your back are high," says Alberto Ortiz, NASM, ACE-certified trainer and founder of Manhattan's WORK: Elite Personal Training.
"Kettlebells should be done under the supervision of a fitness expert. This instructor would make sure you keep your back in safe alignment at all times, which will help you activate the appropriate muscles while not putting tension on your spine," says Ortiz.
Sauna suits can burn you"Sauna suits, which can retail for as little as $10, are still something people revert back to from the old days to aid in weight loss. For years, athletes and exercisers used them to help them lose weight. While they do help you shed water weight, there is no evidence that suggests wearing one will increase the rate at which the body metabolizes body fat. Actually, they are a type of product that if used too much can result in cramping, fainting, dehydration, dizziness, and even heat stroke," says Jim Ryno, celebrity trainer.
Vitamin Water and other sports drinks don't deliver healthDon't be deceived by claims that vitamin and sports drinks are a healthy water substitute. "Once you put any chemical into water, it is no longer water. You must read the labels. It has less than 0.5% of vitamins, minerals, and other stuff. That is very little to be effective, give you energy and boost your immune system. You only receive 13 ounces of carbohydrates in an 8 ounce serving, and those 13 grams are all sugar -- crystalline fructose and sugar cane. A $3.50 bottle has 2.5 servings. So you will consume 32.5 grams of sugar when you drink the bottle," says Kevin Bailey, CSCS, owner of Bailey's Total Fitness, Inc.
"If you are looking to lose body fat, it will be hindered as soon as you drink one of these. Gatorade is even worse, with 34 grams of sugar per bottle. Also, if you are diabetic, these products could possibly cause more harm than good due to the drastic spike in your blood sugar levels when consumed," he says.
$400 Soloflex Whole Body Vibration can shake up trouble"The science behind shaking your moneymaker while working out to burn more calories is dubious at best. The most credentialed expert seems to be a guy named Peter, a.k.a. The Vibration Professor. Yes, NASA uses similar technology to keep astronauts fit -- because they are in zero gravity and not able to maintain bone density! When you're here on earth in your den with something strapped around your back shaking you like an overzealous auntie, you are at risk for problems, and losing weight won't be one of them. Shaking yourself while doing anything can cause little bothersome issues like brain damage, cartilage damage and spinal damage. Like most of the medical professionals who are not, in my estimation, paid by the Big Vibe companies, I say no thanks. As babies, we can be shaken to death, so as adults, is this same behavior somehow healthy? I think not," says Sadie Nardini, creator of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga and Ultimate Wellness Expert.
"Get your increased calorie burn from doing something tried and true, like running, walking, swimming, even, yes, I'll say it -- yoga -- a little harder for a little longer," she says.
Wii video game system can hurt as much as it helps
People may be more active because of their $200 Wii, but they are also sustaining "injuries in their knees, back and wrists because of overuse and improper warm-up. It seems that up to ten people a week are being hospitalized with injuries caused by playing Nintendo Wii games, prompting doctors in Britain to issue warnings of the dangers associated with the Wii," says Mike Torchia, health and wellness expert.
"Realize the Wii and its balance board are physical games that require practice before fully exerting yourself. The Wii games are designed for fun, and you must find the proper balance between the fun part and the exertion part. But here is where any fitness claims by Wii run into trouble. The Wii is intended for use mostly by children and teens who have a very casual approach to safety issues. Of course, safety instructions come with the Wii, but reading guidelines for safety is not high on kids' list of priorities. Ultimately, parental supervision comes in play but realistically, too many parents look at video games such as the Wii as a sort of babysitter to keep the kids busy," says Torchia.
From Lan N. Nguyen
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Lunchtime workouts bulid everyday fitness
Workout during a weekday lunch-break? It sounds too hard. Not only is it a mad rush to get changed but coming back to the office all hot and sweaty and having to shower before settling back into work for the afternoon seems like it would take all the fun out of the exercise.
But there are easy ways to build fitness into your weekday life, says personal trainer Lee-Anne Wann.
A workout doesn't have to take long - Lee-Anne says 45 minutes is ample. And if 45 minutes is too much, there are still lots of ways to get the maximum impact in a shorter timeframe. Lee-Anne says the key principles are to work as much of your body as possible, burning as many calories and as much fat as you can in the time you have. This can be done by working the big muscles, such as the thighs, chest and back.
"Bigger muscles require more calories, so you burn more fat. And when you work big muscles, you work the smaller muscles at the same time."
Lee-Anne also recommends switching between exercises which work the upper and the lower body. Moving from squats to shoulder presses, for example, flushes the blood around the body, forcing it to work harder.
For the really time-poor, she suggests a 20-minute interval training session.
Either on a cardio machine, or running, go as hard as you can for one minute, then more slowly for one minute. Alternating like this for 20 minutes will burn a lot of calories. Twenty minutes is the maximum length of time that kind of session will be effective. The work is out of the fat-burning zone, but boosts the metabolism so much that extra calories are burnt for anywhere between 12 to 20 hours afterwards.
Lee-Anne warns that it is not a good idea to do such an intense workout late in the day, because it will prompt too much of an energy burst. The increased calorie-burning also stops when you go to sleep.
Keep in mind that doing anything is better than doing nothing. And accumulated exercise is as effective as working out in one hit, so an option is to aim for a 10-minute walk before work, another at lunchtime and a third after work.
As well as being good for your fitness and fat-burning, working out at lunchtime gets rid of the afternoon crash. "It will stop you wanting junk food at 3pm," says Lee-Anne.
Working it out
Burning calories doesn't have to be sweaty work. Check the list below:
* 30 mins weight training: 100 calories*
* 30 mins skipping: 370 calories
* 30 mins boxing: 450 calories
* 30 mins food shopping: 130 calories
* 30 mins standing: 72 calories
* 30 mins walking upstairs: 450 calories
* Sounds low compared to standing still for half an hour doesn't it? Lee-Anne says this is because 30 minutes of weight training is broken up into bits, with rests in between. Standing requires unbroken effort by many muscle groups.
By Susan Edmunds
health tips,
Lyle Johnson,
MVP Boot Camp,
MVP Fitness
Thursday, October 21, 2010
10 cheap ways to eat healthy foods
Ramen noodles may be cheap, but they sure don’t offer much in the way of nutrition. In fact, it seems that all the affordable foods in the grocery store are pretty bad for you. However, there are ways to maintain a healthy diet for less. It takes some commitment and a little creative cooking, but the 10 tips below should help you out.
1.Stretch Your Meat – If you are indeed a carnivore, then you know how expensive meat can be. However, you can stretch your poultry and beef out by using healthy fillers like tofu and grains.
2.Make a Shopping List – By planning meals ahead of time and sticking to a shopping list, you will avoid any unnecessary (and unhealthy) impulse purchases.
3.Avoid Processed Foods – Starting with raw materials is not only cheaper, it will cut many preservatives and additives out of your diet. This can only improve your mental and physical well-being.
4.Drink Only Water – Your soda/coffee/juice/alcohol dependency isn’t doing your wallet or your body any favors. Water is the only liquid you will ever need to drink. So, put a filter on your tap and drink without guilt.
5.Buy In-Season Produce – A seasonal produce chart may help you do determine what will be cheapest at the store right now. Buying your favorite fruits and vegetables during the off-season can really cost you some major dough.
6.Shop at the Farmer’s Market – Are you paying gouged prices at your local health food store when you could be getting your food direct from local growers? Check out the local farmer’s market before heading to the grocery store.
7.Know Your Healthy, Cheap Staples – These include oatmeal, beans and rice. Foods that are filling, inexpensive and healthy should always be readily stocked in the kitchen.
8.Start a Vegetable Garden – Growing your own food is not only a cheap alternative, but also it offers many physical and mental benefits. Gardening is great exercise and helps to reduce stress, so there are many reasons to take up the hobby.
9.Avoid the Drive-Thru – When trying to save money and your life, the drive-thru can be your worst enemy. Dollar menus exist, but they are usually filled with deep-fried horrors. If you can find a 99 cent baked potato, however, knock yourself out.
10.Clip Coupons – This is an obvious way to save some money on food. However, be sure to only save coupons for healthy foods, no matter how much those Oreos are marked down.
Believe it or not, there are actually healthy foods that won’t cost an arm and a leg. You should also consider the ways you indirectly save money by eating well. Being healthy means having a higher immunity and making fewer trips to the doctor, for example. Whatever the reasons for making wiser decisions in your diet, you don’t have to spend a fortune at the local health food store to do it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Are you ready to burn up to 800 calories 30 minutes?
Do you want to work your entire body in just a handful of moves?
Would you like to see a toned, strong body and a slimmer waist in a matter of weeks?
Good, because the kettlebell will do just this and more.
Many of my Personla Training clients have already experienced the power of this iron cannonball on a handle, but I've barely scratched the surface of what this instrument of fat burning can really do... yet...
Right now, the kettlebell is the talk of Tinseltown. Current devotees include Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Jennifer Anniston, to name but a few.
This Russian bell of iron offers every woman and man the perfect workout; high calorie burning without the fear of bulking up - Perfect! What's more, it builds power, strength and an atheltic physique.
Right now I'm using the kettlebell more and more in my own training program and I have to say that dumbbells are starting to gather dust in my workouts. What I love about the kettlebell is that it's challenging, it hits your whole body with every move and you don't need to go heavy to see good results.
Because you're moving the weight around or swinging it, the whole body has to work hard to move and stabilize it, which means a core workout that tones your midsection in record time and forces you to concentrate on each exercise.
And the best part? With a kettlebell at home you can burn an impressive number of calories and go to town on your bum and your tummy in as little as 10 minutes a day!
To find out more try my brand new MVP Boot Camp Kettlebell class for more info go to
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Calories in beer
The term beer belly is true. Drinking beer can added on the pounds.
Here are some calorie counts for 12 ounces of different beers:
•Sierra Nevada Pale Ale: 175
•Sam Adams Lager: 160
•Pilsner Urquell: 160
•Michelob: 155
•Guinness: 153
•Heineken: 150
•Corona: 148
•Budweiser: 145
•MGD: 143
•Stella Artois: 140
•Bud Light: 110
•Coors Light: 102
•Budweiser Select: 99
•Michelob Ultra: 96
•Amstel Light: 95
•Miller Genuine Draft Light: 64
•Anchor Steam - 153
•Bass Ale - 160
•Beck's - 140
•Budweiser - 140
•Corona Light - 105
•Guinness Draught - 126
•Guinness Stout - 153
•Miller Lite - 96
•Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - 175
•Sierra Nevada Stout - 210
By the way, the average wine has about 275-300 calories per 12 ounces. Of course, one glass of wine isn't usually 12 ounces. You might drink half as much wine as you would beer, making wine slightly lower calorie.
Mixed drinks are about the same. Gin & tonic or vodka cranberry have about 300 calories per 12 ounces. Margaritas are very bad: they might have about 750 calories!
calories in beer,
Lyle Johnson,
MVP Boot Camp,
MVP Fitness
Here's a 10 Minute Ab Workout
Having six pack abs is a goal for most. Copy and past the link below to your web browser and try this 10 minute ab workout.
ab workout,
Lyle Johnson MVP Boot Camp,
six pack abs
Sunday, October 10, 2010
How to gain patience in your weight loss program
Have you ever seen a baby try and walk? Babies who are trying to walk, try to do it over many weeks and months. They make a small effort, usually fail and then try again. It is only after many efforts that they eventually master the skill.
What does that have to do with confidence?
It seems to me that even though we see all around us, that anyone that developed a difficult skill took a long time to do it, we somehow kid ourselves into thinking that we can achieve a new skill overnight. We expect to learn a language in a few hours even though you took months and years to learn your own language. Part of it is advertising that promises quick results. Part of it is we have become a society obsessed with speed. But the fact is, you can't make big changes overnight. Sorry, but it's just not possible.
So when I see people who expect to be transformed overnight from un-confident to confident, I have to give them a dose of reality. It ain't gonna happen! If you are serious about developing your confidence, you are going to have to accept the reality. It won't happen immediately. You have to be patient. You have to apply yourself every day and have a firm plan for action. If you don't do this, you will never succeed.
Remember, patience is the key. As they say, a desire for instant results can be the cause of a lifetime of failure. Don't expect results too soon. If you are getting a little better every day, not only are you guaranteed to get there in the end, but the skills you develop will be much more stable and secure. You will have earned the achievement.
Resolve today to apply yourself every day to becoming confident. It's only with a commitment to day by day improvement that you will get to your goal of being an impressive socially confident individual.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Use chocolate milk as a recovery drink
Fitness experts are discovering the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after exercise.
First, it tends to be cheaper, depending upon how you buy it. Second, it can conveniently be made at home. Third, it doesn't have any artificial coloring in it. Last, and probably the most important, is chocolate milk's nutritional value: 1 cup of lowfat 1 percent chocolate milk has 26 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and 160 calories.
There are two recent studies I found interesting. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine's 57th annual meeting in Baltimore, these studies show that chocolate milk may be a worthwhile post-exercise recovery beverage.
William Lunn, Ph.D., who collaborated on both studies, found that ingesting chocolate milk after a run supported skeletal muscle protein synthesis during recovery. They also found that chocolate milk contributes to replenishing glycogen stores in muscles, a source of fuel during prolonged exercise. Muscle glycogen levels in the same eight male runners were tested 30 minutes and 60 minutes following ingestion of either the fat-free chocolate milk or a carbohydrate beverage.
Muscle glycogen content was greater for the chocolate milk drinkers at both measurement times, further supporting the use of this drink in recovery nutrition strategies.
As a parent, I don't feel guilty for giving my child chocolate milk after exercise because I'm convinced "it does a body good."
Monday, September 13, 2010
Top 4 Exercises for Hips, Butt & Thighs
By Kevin Moses CSCS
These are my favorite legs exercises that can be done anywhere; gym, park, or at home. Most legs exercises can be done with your own body weight and resistance bands. I recommend doing 2-3 sets for each exercise with 15 reps for each side.
In the video below I'll be sharing these exercises with correct form. Most injuries are from incorrect form and over doing it. Always start out slow and progress from there.
1. Squats
2. Lunges
3. Side Lunges
4. Penguin
Click here to review video!
These are my favorite legs exercises that can be done anywhere; gym, park, or at home. Most legs exercises can be done with your own body weight and resistance bands. I recommend doing 2-3 sets for each exercise with 15 reps for each side.
In the video below I'll be sharing these exercises with correct form. Most injuries are from incorrect form and over doing it. Always start out slow and progress from there.
1. Squats
2. Lunges
3. Side Lunges
4. Penguin
Click here to review video!
Kevin Moses,
side lunges,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Burning calories with day-to-day activities
The fact is that the more active you are, the more calories you burn, and in addition to regular exercise and cutting back on high-caloric foods, there are other simple day-to-day activities and hobbies which can boost your heart rate and help burn calories:
- Mow the lawn or garden: This is good exercise and gets your heart rate going. Any type of gardening activity in general is considered a beneficial way to burn off fat.
- Vacuum and clean: According to, if you spend an hour vacuuming (and cleaning your house), you can burn nearly 250 calories (based on a person weighing around 150 1bs). So get out the old Hoover and bucket and mop, and make your home squeaky clean.
- Play Frisbee: If it’s a sunny day and you have time on your hands, enjoy a game of Frisbee out on the lawn. An hour can burn off more than 200 calories.
- Shoot some pool: The pool table has been sitting in your basement for years, and it’s time to dust it off and play. Nothing spells “leisure” as a casual game of pool with friends, which can also burn off more than 150 calories per hour.
- Walk, walk and walk again: The Harvard Health Letter recommends taking the “faraway spot”: Parking your car as far away as possible in the garage so that you have to walk a while to get to your destination. In addition, pacing around the house or your office (as opposed to sitting all day) is also good exercise.
- Go shopping: A number of health experts claim that walking around the mall or dragging your shopping cart around the supermarket help burn off calories. You don’t necessarily have to exercise your wallet, either: Stick with window shopping.
- Shovel that sidewalk: During winter snow storms, start shoveling your driveway. This is a great activity that speeds up your heart rate and burns off a lot of calories.
- Play a musical instrument: You’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or piano, and now here’s your excuse. It may not qualify as a vigorous activity, but according to, a half-hour of strumming your guitar strings will result in (hopefully) harmonious melodies, as well as an easy 100-calorie burn.
2010 MVP Boot Camp,
Get Fit 4 Christ,
Lyle Johnson
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes
Here are Exercise Expert Josh Gould’s top 5 weight loss mistakes.
1. Cutting too many calories! This is number one for a reason. Since weight loss is relative once you go down in calories there is no turning back. Look to eat nutrient dense foods instead.
2. Insufficient cardio. Stop doing low intensity, long duration cardio. Every time you perform the same cardio it becomes less effective. Try high intensity interval training (HIIT) and cut down your time and body fat!
3. Cheating on your diet. I am not surprised to find out that everyone knows that a cheat meal can help with dieting (any excuse to eat badly). Take it for what it is: a cheat MEAL. That means one per week, not day, and cheat meal does not mean cheat day!
4. Not eating breakfast. Skipping a meal can make you gain weight? Yes! Skipping meals slows down your metabolism especially after the body fasts all night. Eat or drink something upon rising.
5. Bad Beverages. Just because you don’t chew it doesn’t mean it has no calories, and those calories are usually sugar! Remember that alcohol has almost twice as many calories per gram as sugar!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Biggest Loser "Winner" Pete Thomas
Last week I had the opportunity to meet Season 2-Biggest Loser "Winner" Pete Thomas at the Ron Winans Heart of Champions 5K/10K Race in Detroit.
Pete lost 185 pounds in nine months. He dropped 102 of those pounds off the ranch while he was back home in Ann Arbor, MI.
Here's a few tips he gives on eating smart.
■Recognize your emotional or stress eating patterns
■Set up modifications to help you manage your stressful and emotional eating situations.
■Begin to create and practice healthier eating practices for daily life.
■Create different eating plans and practices for different situations
■Plan ahead for reoccurring food related events in your life such as office parties, holiday gatherings etc.
■Repeat the above positive behaviors until they become second nature.
For more info Pete go to his website at
Monday, August 16, 2010
2010 Ron's Heart of Champions Race
Many churches and charity organizations across the country are starting to hold 5K runs. For example, once again, I participate in the Ron Winans Heart of Champions 5K Run in Detroit. It is an enjoyable and unforgettable weekend. Each year Pastor Marvin Winans of Perfecting Church gives his red carpet treatment all weekend long.
The run is a blast and well over 800 people participated, include Gospel Artist Bebe Winans and Biggest Loser Winner Pete Thomas. The course at Detroit’s Belle Isle Park is very scenic and challenging.
This brings me to my next point. I urge you to participate in a 5K run in your area. These runs are very popular and you will find that there is one held every weekend somewhere nearby.
Here are five benefits in getting involved and training for a 5K:
1. It will help with weight loss, fighting aging and disease, and with generally staying healthy.
2. It will give you confidence and build character. It will also relieve stress and boost your attitude.
3. It will allow you to enjoy the outdoors and create a release of endorphins that can cause euphoria (runner’s high), or just a general sense of happiness.
4. You will have a blast and experience a sense of accomplishment.
5. You will benefit your church, the community and its culture.
Training for a marathon or a triathlon is great, but it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and most importantly, a lot of time. If you are like most people, your time is very valuable, but at the same time working out and exercising is very important. That is why I suggest that you train for a 5K run.
Here are three reasons why I love training for a 5K race:
1. It does not take up a lot of your time - you run an average of only 13.5 miles per week.
2. It is less taxing on your body – It takes me a long time to recover after running a marathon. I can recover from a 5K in a day or two.
3. It is a way to track your progress – You can try to improve your time during every race.
If you follow a good 5K training program, I strongly feel you will be able to complete your first 5K and be clocked at a competitive time within eight weeks.
Are you ready to get started? I hope you are excited. Training for a 5K will give you confidence and character. It will also relieve the stress and boost your attitude. Get off to a running start!
Monday, August 9, 2010
The MVP 28 Day Fat Flush program is a fun and challenging program designed to help you lose weight and get in shape.
What To Expect- The MVP 28 Day Fat Flush is unmatched in terms of results and intensity. As a result, your body will be challenged like no other group fitness class. Existing injuries may be aggravated and/or new injuries may occur. If you have any question about your ability to participate in this program, please consult your physician and the instructor. You are responsible for any accidents or injuries from participation in the program. If you experience any abnormal discomfort, stop exercising immediately and alert the instruction.
If you show up to the workout well fueled and push yourself to the best of your ability, then you can expect excellent results at the end of the 28 days. You will be challenged regardless of your ability level of fitness. This program is designed to challenge participants individually.
For example, if we are doing sit ups, you will be asked for 60 seconds of your best effort, not a specific number of repetitions. The advanced and beginner client can apply 100% of their effort and not be held back or overwhelmed. You will not be competing with others. The workouts and intensity will be progressive over the course of the class. If you adhere to the program, you will see major results.
How To Prepare For Class. You should wear clothing appropriate to exercise and the environment, please bring a towel, exercise mat and water. It is very important to eat and be well hydrated before class. It is also very important that you drink water and eat a light and healthy meal before the start of each workout session.
Class Etiquette. Please arrive on time to your workout. It is important to warm-up prior to exercise to reduce the likelihood of injury. Please note that tardiness may cost you and your fellow 28 Day Fat Flush members 60 seconds of push-ups.
Missed classes and refunds. You may use the other area MVP Boot Camp programs to make up missed session within two weeks of the absence. A complete schedule can be found on our website at There are no refunds.
Inclement Weather Policy. In the event of inclement weather, class will be cancelled. Information on the status of class during inclement weather will be available by calling 314-831-7505. Notice of cancellation for classes will normally occur prior to one (1) hour before the schedule class time.
You may feel a little overwhelmed at the beginning of the program but you will leave each session with a great feeling of accomplishment.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Four things I learned on my 1st Tri
I can mark off competing in a Triathlon from my bucket list.
My 1st Tri was Sunday morning, August 1st. The swim was a killer, the bike ride
was murder and the run was cut throat. But I still alive.
I just thank God for what He has done, for what He is doing and
for what He is going to do!
Here are 4 principles I learn while training for the Tri. These
concepts are transferable, you can use them in every aspect of your
1. The will to win - We all have dreams. But in order to make
your dreams come true, it takes an awful lot of determination,
dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
2. The desire to succeed - I just learn how to swim 8 weeks ago. It
is a great challenge to learn something new. Always remember...
don't go into something to test the waters, go into things to make
3. Personal excellence - Whatever you do, don't do it halfway.
Your whole world will improve if you work on improving your
business, your life, your relationships, your finances and your
health. And finally....
4. The urge to reach your full potential. Who are we? We are
children of God. Our potential is unlimited. Our inheritance is
blessed. May we must always honor that inheritance -- in every
belief and action.
My 1st Tri was Sunday morning, August 1st. The swim was a killer, the bike ride
was murder and the run was cut throat. But I still alive.
I just thank God for what He has done, for what He is doing and
for what He is going to do!
Here are 4 principles I learn while training for the Tri. These
concepts are transferable, you can use them in every aspect of your
1. The will to win - We all have dreams. But in order to make
your dreams come true, it takes an awful lot of determination,
dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
2. The desire to succeed - I just learn how to swim 8 weeks ago. It
is a great challenge to learn something new. Always remember...
don't go into something to test the waters, go into things to make
3. Personal excellence - Whatever you do, don't do it halfway.
Your whole world will improve if you work on improving your
business, your life, your relationships, your finances and your
health. And finally....
4. The urge to reach your full potential. Who are we? We are
children of God. Our potential is unlimited. Our inheritance is
blessed. May we must always honor that inheritance -- in every
belief and action.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Invest In Your Child
Last week, I told you one in three children are overweight or
obese, putting them at greater risk of obesity-related conditions
like diabetes and cancer, heart disease, asthma.
But it's important to be clear that this issue isn't about how our
kids look. It's about how our kids feel.
Children who suffer from low self-esteem may smile less often, act
wrongly in the face of conflict or withdraw from opportunities to
try or learn new things.
Our children are the future and I want to do something about this
very serious problem we are facing..
I want to offer your child a Fitness Assessment at special
discounted price.
The simple MVP Fitness Assessment will educate and motivate you and
your child. It will provide you the blue print and the basis for
teaching your child the importance of exercising and eating right.
Components of the MVP Fitness Assessment include:
- Cardio Endurance Testing
- Muscular Strength Testing
- Muscular Endurance Testing
- Body Composition Testing
- Nutritional and Fitness guidance
Normally this Fitness Assessment costs $40 but as a special offer
you can have it for only $20, that's a 50% discount.
But, there is one catch. I can't keep this offer open forever. It's
only good until July 24th. After that time this special offer will
not be open. So, please don't delay. If you were considering
improving your child's health, now is your best time to schedule an
appointment. Just call my studio at 314-831-7505 and let them know
you're taking advantage of this special offer, we'll handle it from
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Michelle Obama Speaks on Obesity
First Lady Michelle Obama talked about her crusade against childhood obesity at the NAACP's National Convention in Kansas City.
Right now in America, one in three children is overweight or obese, putting them at greater risk of obesity-related conditions like diabetes and cancer, heart disease, asthma.
The fight against childhood obesity begins with you and me.
In other words, we can't tell our children to eat their vegetables if we sit around eating French fries. And we can't tell them to go run around outside if we spend all our free time on the couch watching TV.
Here are five small changes that will make a big difference and add up to real results:
1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
2. Eat Less Sugar and Fat
2. Eat Less Sugar and Fat
3. Eat Healthier Snacks
4. Watch Our Portion Sizes and
5. Eat Together as a Family
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
5 Fun Family Fitness Tips
Spending quality family time is getting harder and harder. Gone are the days when children played around for whole day and their mothers had to call them back home to eat dinner. Today, on an average four out of six children spend their time watching television and surfing the internet for more than five hours a day. The present generation is very electronic centric and sees their world through TV, computers and cell phones.
The solution is a commitment on the part of the entire family to spend more time together. Summertime is a chance to spend some time on home improvement; improving your health and your relationship with the family.
Here 5 ways to have fun with family fitness:
1. Dig and Plant in the Garden- Help everyone plant their own vegetables, fruits and flowers.- having to clear, rake, seed, mow, aerate, fertilize, dethatch and water a garden or lawn tends to overwhelm the average person. The physical strains associated with a good day on the yard can be very positive and a great workout with creative benefits.
2. Take a Family Bike Ride - Bicycling is a good cardiovascular exercise that increases the health of your heart. You can plan cycling trips on safe trails by calling your local bike shop or bike club.
3. Go To the Pool - Water sports and especially swimming, are often a favorite summer time activity. There are many physical benefits of swimming and because of the low impact nature of the workout, swimming is considered a terrific exercise choice for not only healthy people, but also for those who face health challenges.
4. Take a Family Walk – Walking is an easy way to get - and stay healthy. Almost anyone can do it, it fits into just about any schedule, and best of all, it can be done with company of the entire family.
5. Yes, Your Own Backyard - Play traditional and modified backyard sports: basketball, softball, volleyball, and tetherball. Other activities include counting hula hoop rotations, jumping rope by practicing rhythms, rhymes and tricks and washing the car while enjoying an active game with the hose.
Family exercise may not be a miracle cure, but at times it sure seems like it. Remember, if you're tired and don't feel like exercising, once you start, you'll feel so much better. It is an amazing way to achieve and maintain your entire family’s health.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Take Action Now!
Nothing is going to happen to your body if you do not take positive action. It doesn’t do you any good to have heard all of that information on how to build a good solid physical body if you don’t take action. You want to take care of your body. You want to live longer and you want to be a more active and powerful in your living.
You want to have more energy, more drive and more endurance. Why? Because you don’t want be a couch potato with no vision or no purpose in your life. There is a purpose in building up your body and that reason is to live a healthy life. Not only should you want to look good and live a healthy and prosperous life, but also you should want to live to be around the people you love the most as long as you can.
You must believe in yourself and you must employ the same power and force for your weight loss goals. You must take action.
Here are the 6 Common Reasons for Not Taking Action:
1. Confusion and not knowing where to get started - you may have a great goal, but sometimes no plan on how to really do it.
2. Procrastination - you won’t even try! You create excuses to put off your goal.
3. Lack of confidence - your main thoughts are about how you have tried this goal before but you failed.
4. Lack of motivation - the goal you set no longer has any importance for you.
5. Lack of support from the people around you - in fact, it starts to tear at you, because you start to believe you will not achieve it.
6. You! - ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving my goal?"
Look at the weight loss you have set for yourself, the one you have let go. Then ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving this goal?"Seriously, ask yourself: "What is stopping me from taking action and giving it my best shot?”
Keep asking yourself this question until you find the answer to what is truly stopping you from becoming successful in your weight loss goals and write down every reason! Whatever reasons you have for not taking action, whatever is stopping you from achieving your dream, you can do something about it.
For every reason that stops you, there's often an easy solution! Always remember:
“If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.” – Barack Obama
You want to have more energy, more drive and more endurance. Why? Because you don’t want be a couch potato with no vision or no purpose in your life. There is a purpose in building up your body and that reason is to live a healthy life. Not only should you want to look good and live a healthy and prosperous life, but also you should want to live to be around the people you love the most as long as you can.
You must believe in yourself and you must employ the same power and force for your weight loss goals. You must take action.
Here are the 6 Common Reasons for Not Taking Action:
1. Confusion and not knowing where to get started - you may have a great goal, but sometimes no plan on how to really do it.
2. Procrastination - you won’t even try! You create excuses to put off your goal.
3. Lack of confidence - your main thoughts are about how you have tried this goal before but you failed.
4. Lack of motivation - the goal you set no longer has any importance for you.
5. Lack of support from the people around you - in fact, it starts to tear at you, because you start to believe you will not achieve it.
6. You! - ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving my goal?"
Look at the weight loss you have set for yourself, the one you have let go. Then ask yourself: "What is really stopping me from achieving this goal?"Seriously, ask yourself: "What is stopping me from taking action and giving it my best shot?”
Keep asking yourself this question until you find the answer to what is truly stopping you from becoming successful in your weight loss goals and write down every reason! Whatever reasons you have for not taking action, whatever is stopping you from achieving your dream, you can do something about it.
For every reason that stops you, there's often an easy solution! Always remember:
“If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.” – Barack Obama
action tips,
Bod 4 God,
Get Fit 4 Christ,
Goal setting,
MVP Boot Camp
Monday, May 10, 2010
3 Quick Ways Lose Weight Before Your Vacation
Summer time for most of us is the time for a vacation. There are many moments to look forward to during your vacation such as, the joy of relaxing and just enjoying one another, the feeling of not having to be a certain place and looking forward with anticipation to going on a trip where all you do is look around and enjoy God's creation.
Of course you can fully enjoy all of these moments and more by getting yourself in better shape before you leave for your destination. Here are three of the quickness ways to lose weight before your much deserved break from the hustle and bustle.
Boot Camp – Boot camp workouts are great calorie burners because you're moving rapidly from exercise to exercise and working upper and lower body at the same time. Boot camp exercise burn big calories. You can expect to burn off up to 600 calories per hour during a single boot camp session. This is more calories than you'll burn with most other types of exercise. Each workout builds confidence in your physical ability which can carry over to all aspects of your life.
Kettlebell Training – I have been training my clients with Kettlebells for over four years now and everyone from top athletes to soccer moms is joining the kettlebell revolution for one reason: Kettlebell training works. If you’re like many others, you have a basement full of machines, equipment and DVDs collecting dust. All things you tried and that didn’t get results, either because they didn’t work or because they didn’t work fast enough to keep you interested. Kettlebells are different. The combination of strength and cardio will give fast results and will motivate you to keep going.
Bikram Yoga - also known as “Hot Yoga”, is the practice of a series of yoga poses done in an intentionally over-heated area. Bikram Yoga requires the room temperature to be between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. You will sweat profusely during the workout, eliminating toxins and cleansing the body. It can help you lose weight for obvious reasons. First, the simple act of working out helps you shed pounds, especially when the workout raises your heart rate and it is also helpful when reshaping the body as it helps to tone, lengthen and strengthen muscles. Plus, your posture, balance and coordination will improve, which can help to significantly improve your physical appearance.
I encourage you to use your vacation as motivation to get in shape. Use one or all three of these exercise methods and not just little walks around the block. As for your diet, remember to eat real food, eat vegetables, eat fruits, whole grains - don’t eat things in packages and don’t eat things in wrappers.
Bikram Yoga,
MVP Boot Camp,
MVP Fitness,
vacation tips
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Walk your way to Fitness
Instead of driving everywhere, try "strolling-it" whenever possible. Experts recommend taking 10,000 steps per day (2,000 steps is about one mile) through exercise and daily activities to improve overall health. Walking at a moderate pace burns over 200 calories per hour!
Get Fit 4 Christ,
Lyle Johnson,
MVP Boot Camp,
MVP Fitness,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Pace yourself for Weight Loss
Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. --Luke 14:33
Any misuse of natural pleasure has bad consequences. If you eat entirely for pleasure, you become flabby and unhealthy. Try to eat a small meal and wait 20 minutes before deciding if you need more food. This will give your stomach and brain time to communicate. If have eaten enough food, your brain will alert your body and you will find that you don't desire anything more. If you are still hungry after this period, eat a small amount more and wait another 20 minutes.
Any misuse of natural pleasure has bad consequences. If you eat entirely for pleasure, you become flabby and unhealthy. Try to eat a small meal and wait 20 minutes before deciding if you need more food. This will give your stomach and brain time to communicate. If have eaten enough food, your brain will alert your body and you will find that you don't desire anything more. If you are still hungry after this period, eat a small amount more and wait another 20 minutes.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
One of the best things about Wheatgrass Juice is that it is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and gives you immediate energy!
Here are a few benefits:
Wheatgrass is an energizer . The get-up-and-go obtained from wheatgrass juice is outstanding. Two ounces of fresh juice equals 3 pounds of organic vegetables in vitamins and minerals, or the equivalent of two cups of coffee. All you need to do to feel the amazing benefits of wheatgrass juice is drink two ounces of it! You'll feel refreshed and energized throughout the day.
Wheatgrass juice is nutritious . Wheatgrass juice contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance. Wheatgrass is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc
Wheatgrass cleanses the body. The many detergent factors of wheatgrass juice will drain the lymph system, which carries away many toxins from body cells. When an imbalance exists--sore tendons and joints, degenerative disease, etc--there is a natural build-up of mucous in the lymph area. Wheatgrass juice will break down the mucous and allow it to drain. Wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser and may start an immediate reaction with toxins and mucus in the stomach and thus may cause nausea. Start with a 1-ounce serving and work up. Drink on an empty stomach. Keep refrigerated and drink the same day.
Wheatgrass juice is a wonderful aid in weight control. The starch of the wheat berry is stored energy which when converted to simpler sugars is a quick energy source. It is especially good for athletes because it is a juice and assimilated in 20 minutes. Wheatgrass picks up 92 of the 102 minerals in the soil and contains all vitamins science has isolated. Because one ounce of juice equals two pounds of produce nutritionally, it naturally shuts off the appestat, which is the area in the brain that is believed to regulate appetite and food intake. It helps in weight control. The nutritional value of wheatgrass Juice is so high that many people don't feel those "cravings" that lead to overeating.
You can buy wheatgrass juice at your local Smoothie King.
Friday, February 19, 2010
JJK To Appear On BET's Mo'Nique Show
Last month I traveled to Altanta with Jackie Joyner- Kersee for the Vision to Visionaries: Women Empowered, A Legacy of Change Event. January 28, 2010, JJK along with Ruby Dee, Jasmine Guy, Morgan Pierce, and Sonia Sanchez participated in an intimate and engaging conversation before an invited audience at Spelman College in Atlanta.
Produced by the National Visionary Leadership Project (NVLP), the panel's discussion was streamed live via the NVLP website
The morning of the event the panelist did a pre-recorded taping on The Mo'Nique Show. During the show, Mo'Nique had decided to challenge JJK to a little race, live in the studio. When Mo'Nique threw out the challenge, JJK she just smiled thinking it was a joke. When Mo'Nique stood up and kicked her high heels off, JJK realized it was Showtime! I won’t tell you how this one ends but the show will air Monday February 22nd, 2010 at 10:00 CST and at 11:00 EST on the BET Network. If you can, WATCH IT!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
10 Ways to Stay Healthy in 2010
Taking care of your body is very important in order to live a long, healthy life. Following these 10 tips and you will be able to add more years to your life and add more life to your years.
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2009.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day ---- and while you walk, smile.
Monday, January 11, 2010
ConvenantLife Family Worship Center to Host Get Fit 4 Christ Workshop
Pastor Phillip Davis is bringing fitness trainer and author, Lyle Johnson of MVP Fitness to speak at CovenantLife Family Worship Center on Saturday, January 16th from 10:00 am-11:30 am.
Johnson will present information on weight loss, body transformation and nutrition. This event is a perfect opportunity for those who want to get a jump start on their dietary and fitness resolutions and to get focused and committed to healthy lifestyles for the New Year. Johnson motivates people to strengthen their spiritual and physical bodies in his new book, Get Fit 4 Christ.
The book empowers people to take charge of their lives and focus themselves through scripturally based meditations, prayer and action. The book, available at ConvenatLife Family Worship Center on the day of the workshop, makes getting fit a practical and obtainable goal.
The St. Louis based Personal Trainer will demonstrate fitness techniques and give tips on using scripture as a guide to achieving optimum physical and spiritual health. “There are thousands of weight loss products out there, but we have the highest obesity rate in the history of mankind.
“I want to help people make lifestyle changes that will produce long lasting benefits and not just quick fixes,” says Johnson.” The presentation is for men and women of all ages and fitness levels.
For more information call the church office at 405-232-0754. ConvenantLife Family Worship Center is located at 301 N. Walnut in Oklahoma City.
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