Monday, June 27, 2011

MVP Countdown Workout - 115 Days Until My 50th Birthday

My hamstrings are very sore from yesterday's 7-mile run.

Here's today's workout:

1 mile run from the crib to the gym.

Bench Press - 135lbs - 1x10
Tricep Kickback - 30lbs - 1x10
Seated Dumbell Press - 40lbs - 1x10

Bench Press - 185lbs - 1x8
Barbell Curl - 70lbs - 1x8
High Pull - 70lbs - 1x8

Bench Press - 205lbs - 1x5
Pull Ups 1x15
Standing Dumbell Shoulder Shrugs - 65lbs - 1x15

Bench Press - 225lbs - 1x2

Leg Extensions
60lbs - 1x15
80lbs - 1x15
100lbs - 1x15

Bench Press 135lbs 1x20
Seated Dumbell Press 30lbs 1x20
Elevated Push Ups 1x20
Leg Press 135lbs 1x20

1 mile run from the gym to the crib.

Once again I'm feeling great endorphins really kick in today. I'm taking a rest day tomorrow. It will be a day of pray and fasting.

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