For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)
The above scripture is very powerful. Paul says we should live for Christ first, live to please Him by obeying Him and showing love to others. Heaven is the ultimate prize, the Bible describes heaven as Heaven is a place of “no mores.” There will be no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more separation, because death will be conquered (Revelation 20:6). The best thing about heaven is the presence of our Lord and Savior (1 John 3:2). We will be face to face with the Lamb of God who loved us and sacrificed Himself so that we can enjoy His presence in heaven for eternity.
Here's Today's Workout
10 minute swim
Kettlebell Training:
Round 1
45lb Kettlebell - Repeat 4 times
2 Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Snatches (right) - 30 seconds
Snatches (left) - 30 seconds
Tactital Lunges - 1 minute
Round 2
45lb Kettlebell -
2 Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Burpees - 30 seconds
Squat/Curl Pres - 30 seconds
Right Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Burpees - 30 seconds
Right Hand Squat with Press - 30 seconds
Left Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Burpees - 30 seconds
Left Hand Squat with Press - 30 seconds
Hand to Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Burpess - 30 seconds
Suit Case Squats - 60 seconds
40 lbs Kettlebell
2 Hand Swings - 30 seconds
Right High Pulls - 30 seconds
Left High Pulls - 30 seconds
Push up taps - 30 seoonds
5 Right side punch ups - 35lbs
5 Left side punch ups - 35lbs
Mason Twist 30 seoonds
Plank - 30 seconds
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